Sunday, March 8, 2009

Raids Walton International Property Group (M) Sdn Bhd

Ref No: 03/09/04

Embargo: For immediate release

Bank Negara Malaysia Raids Walton International Property Group (M) Sdn Bhd
On 5 March 2009, Bank Negara Malaysia raided Walton International Property Group (M) Sdn Bhd under the Exchange Control Act (ECA) 1953. The raids were simultaneously conducted at the premises of the company in Kuala Lumpur (W. Persekutuan), Kota Kinabalu (Sabah) and Kuching ( Sarawak ) following complaints received from members of the public. Relevant documents of the company were seized for purpose of the investigation.

Members of the public are advised to be cautious of this type of land banking schemes promoted by the company. Any elements of deposit-taking activities and public offerings such as ‘interest schemes' or investment in real estates schemes (better known as ‘real estate investment trusts' - REITs) should be referred to the appropriate authorities such as Bank Negara Malaysia, Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia and Suruhanjaya Sekuriti. Members of the public are also advised to use lawful remittance channels when making payment or sending money overseas. A list of legitimate remittance channels can be referred at the Bank Negara Malaysia's website ( ) for either licensed banks or licensed non-bank remittance operators.

For further enquiries, members of the public can contact Bank Negara Malaysia at the following contact points:

Laman Informasi Nasihat dan Khidmat (BNMLINK)
(Walk-in Customer Service Centre)
Ground Floor, Block D
Jalan Dato' Onn
50480 Kuala Lumpur

BNMTELELINK (Customer Service Call Centre)
1-300-88-5465 or

Bank Negara Malaysia
6 March 2009

© Bank Negara Malaysia, 2009. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Money Is In The List

Seriously, if you wish to be successful in internet marketing, the money is in the list of targeted prospects! I am pretty excited today that I could send an email to a list of 200 people promoting my FREE ebook offered at my blog here

The image show that I have successfully sent my advertisement through an email to 200 members. This is a feature I can repeat monthly for the FREE version of this powerful program Downline Builder Direct.

For a detail write up of this program, you can read from my post at

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Web Prosperity

Hi All,
Has any one heard of WEB PROSPERITY yet? I was told by our Guru Derric Chew about it a while ago and have joined it asap on his recommendation. Here is the link to this web prosperity. Check it out and if you think you should jump in, make sure you do it quickly.
A video found in You Tube on this newest internet marketing strategy:

Looking Forward To 2009

As we move forward in the year 2009, let's be reminded that everyone on the street will be talking about the retrenchment (particularly Western Digital), inflation and the gloomy economy, and the uncertainty of future. We maybe sucked into this depressing feeling.
One thing we need to be keep reminding ourselves, the future is in our hand. We have to strive on with gusto. And it begins with our mind. So be sure to feed it with good stimuli. Here is one for all:

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy 2009?

HAPPY 2009?

2009 just ushered in yesterday but the outlook for 2009 doesn't seem to be encouraging. Lay-off news (what happen to Western Digital) which will affect 1,500 workers of Kuching and the banking crisis, liquidity squeeze..... are clouding the outlook of 2009. With this backdrop, the Year 2009 will be full of challenges. We must device strategies to over come the challenges ahead. Hope that the team members are able to paddle through the challenges ahead and their internet business will take off successfully!

Cheers for the New Year!


Cheers for all of us!

Together, we must make 2009 a successful year!

Cheers !!!